Minister Varank examines of the first dose of VLP vaccine


Industry and Technology Minister in Turkey Mustafa Varank will release the first dose of the VLP vaccine based on coronavirus-like particles.

It was developed to make a vaccine against the Coronavirus, and it is considered one of the most innovative vaccine methods in Ankara today.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, the TÜBİTAK Covidien-19 platform in Turkey is a VLP-time vaccine operating within the framework of human clinical trials.

This is considered as the first stage for the volunteer Minister Varank, as the first dose of the vaccine today will be in the oncology hospital in Ankara.

Minister Varank, who will undergo various post-vaccination checks, will leave Sunday after spending the night in the hospital.


Varank will get his second dose in 21 days

Unlike the VLP vaccine that began to be applied in Turkey, it is not by subcutaneous injection into the muscles of the arm.

The vaccine will be placed under the skin, and Varank will receive the second dose of the vaccine 21 days later.

And at the Clinical Research Center of Ankara Oncology Hospital, Stage 1, Head of TÜBİTAK, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal will be vaccinated voluntarily.

36 participants in human experiences

Human trials were applied to the candidate VLP vaccine developed as a result of a joint project between Mayda Gürsel and a couple from İhsan Gürsel University.

Two groups of 18 plus 18, one low and one high dose, had six from each of the two groups.

The placebo, in other words, consisted of injections that did not contain an active substance.


The names of the volunteers except for Minister Varank and President of TÜBİTAK Mandal are kept secret.

As health care personnel administering the vaccine cannot obtain information about the content of the injection in the person being administered.

The vaccine candidate, Gürsel, is expected to move to Phase 2 in June and Phase 3 in August.

Coronavirus mimic technology for vaccine formation

In VLP vaccines, virus-like particles mimic the virus in a way that does not cause infection.

While these molecules stimulate an immune response, they do not cause actual illness with the Coronavirus.

Another feature of the candidate vaccine developed by the Gürsel couple is that it uses 4 structural proteins of the virus as the vaccine antigens.

And unlike other VLP vaccines in this regard, as there is no candidate vaccine entering the phase of human clinical trials in the world.