Good news: The first nasal spray vaccine coming from Turkey


The Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank announced: We aim to present the first nasal spray vaccine, which preclinical stages have been successfully completed throughout the year.


The Minister of Industry and Technology Varank attended the inauguration of the graphene facility in the Yenimahalle Organized Industrial Zone.

In providing information on the latest case in local vaccination studies, Minister Varank announced that they are aiming to introduce the advanced nasal spray vaccine against COVID-19 which is administered intranasally during the year.

Scientists working under the umbrella of nanoscience are currently developing an innovative type of vaccine to be administered as a nasal spray, unlike traditional vaccines.

A more effective vaccine to fight the Coronavirus

The work of METU, Hacettepe and Gazi universities to develop the first local intranasal vaccine with the support of the Turkish University of Ankara continues in full swing at the present time because the vaccine that is administered through the nose follows the path in which the virus infects.

It is expected that this technology will be more effective in fighting the virus.


Human trials will start in Phase 1 soon

Human trials of Phase 1 will begin in a very short time for the first intranasal spray vaccine.

The pre-clinical stages were successfully completed.

After the rapid completion of all clinical stages, we aim to introduce this new type of vaccine during the year.