Erdogan comments on Geneva: I don’t trust the administration of southern Cyprus


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed his lack of confidence in the administration of southern Cyprus regarding efforts to resolve the island divided between Turks and Romans.

This came in press statements after performing Friday prayers in a mosque in Istanbul.

President Erdogan also touched upon the informal Geneva talks on Cyprus that took place under the auspices of the United Nations.


Erdogan said: I do not trust southern Cyprus, as these (Greek Cypriots) did not act honestly at any time.”

Also, he pointed out that the Cyprus talks were postponed for two or three months, and added, “I do not see that they will achieve any results, because they (Greek Cyprus and Greece) are not sincere.”

He noted that “the Turkish Cypriots voted 65 percent in favor of the Annan plan to unify the island in 2004.”

While the Greek Cypriots voted against the plan by a very large percentage (about 75 percent).

He stressed the impossibility of reaching an agreement with the Greek Cypriots as long as they continued their evasive approach.

Ankara and Turkish Cyprus also stress the necessity of negotiating from now on on the basis of the two-state solution on the island.

This is after the failure of negotiations aimed at a federal solution based on equality for more than half a century, due to the intransigence of the Romanian Cypriot side.


In a separate context, Erdogan stressed that there are no problems in securing the Coronavirus vaccine.

He also added: “There are new talks we are holding with Russia, and God willing, we will get the” Sputnik V “vaccine.

Erdogan indicated that he would discuss the issue with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to ensure that a large amount of the vaccine was obtained.

He also indicated that he would hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the first half of next month, with the aim of securing more Chinese vaccines.

On the other hand, he pointed to Turkey’s promises from Germany about sending additional batches of the “Biontech” vaccine, expressing his hope for their arrival (without setting a date).

With regard to efforts to develop local vaccines against Coronavirus, Erdogan indicated that the local vaccine is expected to enter the production stage.

This is by September or next November, according to those in charge of the vaccination projects.