“Compensation” decision for unvaccinated transport workers in America


If transportation workers who do not have a coronavirus vaccine in the United States die from the pandemic, their families will not be able to get compensation.

The New York City Department of Transportation (MTA) announced that families of the subway, bus, and train workers who lost their lives due to the Coronavirus will not be paid $500,000 in compensation if they are not vaccinated.


It decided to pay $500,000 in compensation to transportation workers who lost their lives due to the coronavirus in April 2020.

And that’s when the epidemic and virus-related deaths peaked in New York, as the MTA stopped paying their families in the event that unvaccinated people died after June 1, 2021, when vaccines were popular.

It has also been announced that 173 MTA employees have died from coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic and 5 since June of this year, and the MTA has no evidence that these people have been vaccinated.

On the other hand, the mayor rejected a proposal by the New Bedford City Council in Massachusetts to pay compensation for the accidents.


To the families of municipal employees who have lost their lives due to the coronavirus on the grounds that it also includes unvaccinated people.

Insurance experts stress that employees must comply with workplace safety protocols during an accident.

So that they can pay compensation in accidents and similar insurance provided by workplaces.