Bulgaria delivers 2,940 antique coins to Turkey


Bulgaria returned 2,940 ancient coins to Turkey on Tuesday, after seizing them inside a truck carrying Turkish inscriptions in mid-2018.

According to the information, the Turkish and Bulgarian authorities started a joint work on the artifacts that were seized in a truck with Turkish plates on June 12, 2018.

Within the scope of the joint work, the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism commissioned experts from the Edirne State Museum Directorate and the Istanbul Archeology Museum Directorate to examine the coins.


The statement indicated that the experts’ report indicated that the coins date back to the period of the Kingdom of Pontus in the first century BC, when they were minted in cities in the ancient regions of Pontus and Papelagonia in Anatolia.

The report indicated that it is believed that the bronze coins were among the payments to the soldiers.

As a result of the efforts made by the Turkish Consulate General in Burgas, 2,940 coins were received at a ceremony held on Tuesday at the Regional Customs Directorate in the Bulgarian Burgas region.

The coins were handed over to officials of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and placed in the Department of Antiquities Museums in Istanbul for display after completing laboratory studies on them.