Another 201 cases have died in Italy due to the Coronavirus


201 people have died in the past 24 hours due to the coronavirus epidemic in Italy.

The number of people who have lost their lives since the epidemic has risen to 124,497.

According to the daily data of the Ministry of Health, 4,452 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 in 262,864 tests conducted in the country during the past 24 hours.


This brings the total number of cases to 4 million 167 thousand and 25 cases in the fifteen months that have elapsed since the start of the outbreak.

The number of active COVID-19 patients in the country has reached 315,308, and the number of intensive care patients is 1,689.

The number of people who died from the virus in Italy rose today by 201, to 124,497.

The number of people recovering reached 3 million 727 thousand and 220, an increase of 11 thousand and 831.

The number of vaccinations approached 28 million

In the country where the large-scale vaccination campaign against the Coronavirus began on December 27, 2020, the number of people who have been vaccinated has reached 27,919,253 until today.

The 8 million 847,529 who were vaccinated consisted of those who received the second dose.