Spending by foreign tourists in Turkey increased by 19 percent


MasterCard, the global leader in the payments sector, announced that spending by foreign tourists who visited Turkey in the first nine months of this year via their bank cards increased by 19 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

This came in a statement by the company on Saturday regarding the issuance of its report for the 2023 tourism season in Turkey for the period from January 1 to September 19.

The report included the latest data regarding spending on cards issued outside the country bearing the “MasterCard” and “Maestro” logos.

The statement pointed out that the number of cards used for payments increased by 25 percent in parallel with the increase in the number of tourists in Turkey.


In detail, 50 percent of foreign tourists’ spending in Turkey was from tourists coming from Britain, Germany, the United States of America, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands.

It was noteworthy that British tourists’ spending increased by 34 percent compared to last year, and their spending amounted to 18 percent of the total spending of foreign tourists arriving in Turkey in the nine months.

The highest growth was recorded compared to last year in the spending of tourists coming from Saudi Arabia, at a rate of 298 percent, as the share of tourists coming from this country in the total spending of foreign tourists in Turkey reached 4 percent in the aforementioned period.

The highest spending per card was on Kuwaiti cards, at a rate of $1,280.