President Erdogan inaugurates development projects in Bursa


On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurated a number of service and development projects in the state of Bursa, northwest of the country.

Among the projects are the “Buyuk Kumla” dam in the Gemlik district of the state, a service building for the regional administrative court in Bursa, the Dağınja natural tourism complex, and other completed projects.

In a speech delivered on this occasion, President Erdogan indicated that the state of Bursa, which transferred the Ottoman Empire from the emirate to the world state, is preparing to become the locomotive city of Turkey’s centenary.


And he said, “With the will of God Almighty, we will build the centenary of Turkey together, and God willing, as long as Bursa, the city of industry, commerce, agriculture, sea, mountain, vegetables, and peace, stands with us, there is no problem that we cannot overcome.”

President Erdogan thanked the people of Bursa for their warm welcome and hospitality.

And he continued, “With the strength that we derive from this love and the bond of affection that unites us, we will first pass, God willing, the test of 2023 successfully (the presidential elections), and after that we will take new steps that will raise our country to the position it deserves in the world.”

On the other hand, President Erdogan pointed out that he will open tomorrow, Sunday, the “Kagt Hane – Istanbul Airport” metro line, indicating that the length of the line is 34 kilometers.