Turkish rural people create a museum that chronicles the life of the village


Residents of a village in the Turkish state of Cangiri (center) established a small museum to display a wide range of ancient agricultural tools that one of the villagers had collected.


Over the course of dozens of years, Ahmet Berjan Toğlu was able to collect a large amount of old agricultural tools, kitchen equipment, old clothes and shoes used by farmers, and old coins.

Toğlu resides in Istanbul, but he used to visit his hometown in the village of “Dodorca” in Cangiri province from time to time and was able to collect a large number of tools that embody the atmosphere of the village life of the people of the region.

Thanks to the great efforts of the people of Dodurga village, it was decided to establish a small museum in order to display the tools and items collected by Ahmet Barjan Toğlu and to enrich the cultural life in the village.

In the small museum, which bears the name “Ahmed Barjan Museum”, nearly a thousand pieces and items are displayed that reflect the rural and cultural life of the village of Dodurga.


Within a short period, the museum, which was established in the center of the village, was able to attract visitors to the area and present an image that shows the depth of the village and cultural life of the residents of the area, and took visitors to the place on a journey into history.

The former Mukhtar of Dodurga village, Hasan Hussein Qashoggi, said that the items in the museum embody important cultural depth and experiences passed down by the people of the region from one generation to the next.

Qashoggi stated that the purpose of establishing the museum was to transfer the material elements that shaped the region’s history and culture to future generations.

Qashoggi pointed out that some of the assets contained in the museum date back to more than 300 years ago.


He said, “Through the establishment of the museum, we wanted to provide young people with the opportunity to learn about the nobility and experiences of the past and feel its fragrance.”

Qashoggi explained that most of the items in the museum were collected by Toglu, a resident of Dodurga village residing in Istanbul.

He also pointed out that the residents of the village provided exceptional support for the establishment of the museum by providing it with a wide range of antiques, pointing out that the museum contains everything that was used by the family in the past, whether in the house, the street or the field.

Qashoggi pointed out that each piece in the small museum has a special story that spans decades and embodies the experiences of the people of the region, which extends back hundreds of years.


Visitors feel the memory comes back to life every time they visit the small museum, according to Qashji, who stressed that the people of Dodorga are doing everything in their power to preserve and enrich this museum.

Recep Kokkaya, a resident of the village, said he had lived in Ankara (the capital) for many years, but a year ago he returned to his hometown of Dodurga village.

Kok Kaya explained that children and young people visit the museum to learn about the experiences of the past and the tools that were used by their parents and grandparents.

“There are many tools made by parents and grandparents that have been in use for decades,” he said.


He added, “I would like to thank everyone who helped establish this museum. This place gives us a sense of the past and its beautiful memories.”