Turkey.. the “Turkovac” vaccine succeeds in isolating the “Delta” virus


The President of the Turkish University of Erciyes, Professor Mustafa Çalış, said that studies of the effectiveness of the local Corona vaccine “Turkovac” are continuing and that the vaccine succeeded in isolating the highly contagious Indian Coronavirus “Delta”.


On Thursday, Çalış confirmed that the local vaccine was 100 percent effective against the English “alpha” mutant.

He pointed out that studies are continuing on genetically modified mice and voluntary research about the “delta” virus.

He expressed the hope that results will be obtained as soon as possible, and that the vaccine will be as effective as it was in the “Alpha” mutant.

He stated that the third phase of trials for the “Trukovac” vaccine had recently begun and that things were going well.

On August 27, the University of “Arcis”, Kayseri state (central) began the third phase of tests for its “Turkovac” vaccine on volunteers.


The first phase of human trials for the vaccine began on November 5, 2020.

The first dose of the second phase was vaccinated on February 10, without any side effects appearing on the volunteers.