Ukrainian Ambassador visits Crimean Turks Association in Konya, Turkey


The Ukrainian Ambassador in Ankara, Wassily Bodnar, on Friday visited the Crimean Turks Assembly in the central province of Konya.


The visit of the Ukrainian ambassador comes after two visits to the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Konya State.

Bodnar was received by the head of the Crimean Turks Association, Mustafa Serri Demiral.

Admiral presented the Ukrainian ambassador with a traditional hat for the Turks of Crimea and a musical flute, and in return, Bodnar presented the head of the association with a traditional ceramic dish.

After the ambassador met the members of the association, he expressed his happiness to be among the Crimean Turks.

A number of Ukrainian refugees residing in Konya state participated in the meeting.


The Crimean Tatars belong to a Turkish ethnic group, and the Crimean peninsula is considered their original homeland. They were subjected to forced displacement towards central Russia, Siberia and Central Asian countries during the Soviet rule of Ukraine (1919 – 1991).