Turkish crossings witness heavy movement of Syrians


Since the day after the fall of the Assad regime, the border crossings between Turkey and Syria have witnessed heavy movement of Syrians coming from various Turkish states to return to their homes from which they were displaced years ago.

On December 8, Syrian factions took control of the capital Damascus, preceded by other cities, with the withdrawal of Bashar al-Assad regime forces from public institutions and streets, thus ending a 61-year era of Baath Party rule and 53 years of Assad family rule.

The Turkish authorities, especially the Immigration Department, are keen to facilitate official procedures for Syrians wishing to return, including women and children, at several crossings, including “Cilvegözü” (opposite the Bab al-Hawa crossing), “Yayla Dağı” (Kasap), “Öncüpınar” (Bab al-Salam), and “Olive Branch” (Afrin).

A day later, Syrians in Turkey began heading to the border crossings leading to their country, to carry out the necessary official procedures to return to their lands with feelings of longing and nostalgia after years of asylum and alienation.

The Syrians returning to their country expressed their thanks to the Turkish government and people for the warm reception and support provided to them throughout their stay in Turkey.

While waiting at the Turkish Oncupinar crossing in Kilis province, the young man Muhammad (16 years old) said that he came to Turkey at the beginning of the war in Syria when he was a young child.

Muhammad expressed his thanks to Turkey for embracing them and opening its doors to them.

For his part, the child Mahmoud (11 years old) said that he is returning to his country today with his family after the end of the war, taking with him his cat that he loves very much.

At the Cilvegözü crossing in Hatay province, the young man Ali (24 years old) was waiting impatiently to complete the legal procedures to cross into Syrian territory.

Ali said that when he came to Turkey he was only 11 years old and that he is returning to his city of Homs today with his family as a young man, expressing his thanks to Turkey for its support for them.