Turkey’s exports to Italy hit a record high in October


Turkey’s exports to Italy hit a record high last October on a monthly basis, after rising to more than 1.6 billion dollars.

Recent data published by the Turkish Exporters Council showed an increase in the country’s exports to Italy by 24 percent during October compared to the same month last year.


According to the data, the value of Turkish exports to this European country last month amounted to one billion and 26 million and 126 thousand dollars.

The total Turkish exports increased last October by 19.2 percent compared to the same month of 2020, to reach 19 billion and 76 million and 662 thousand dollars.

Germany ranked first among the importing countries with one billion and 560 million and 366 thousand dollars, followed by the United Kingdom with one billion and 179 million and 141 thousand dollars.


The United States came in third place with a billion and 150 million and 18 thousand dollars, followed by Italy in fourth place, according to the same published data.