Turkey enters electoral silence on the eve of local elections


Turkey has entered a period of electoral silence, starting at six o’clock this evening, Saturday, on the eve of the local elections scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday.

According to Article 49 of Law No. 298 regarding the basic provisions for elections and voter records, the electoral propaganda period begins 10 days before the election date and ends at six in the evening on the day before the election, when the electoral silence period begins.

The Supreme Radio and Television Authority (RTÜK) in Turkey prohibits, until 21:00 on election day, any party propaganda on radio and television channels, as well as news related to the election results, with the exception of the results that will be announced by the Supreme Election Authority.

Starting at 21:00 on Election Day, the electoral publication ban will be lifted. The Supreme Elections Committee can decide to lift the ban before 21:00 if it deems it necessary.

According to the decision of the Supreme Elections Commission, the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited from 06:00 on Election Day until 00:00.

It is also prohibited to carry weapons for anyone other than the security forces and those charged with protecting public security.