The Turkish satellite team recounts their joy at the success of the mission


The Turkish mini-satellite team “Grizu-263A” spoke of their joy at what they accomplished after years of work and efforts.

The team, consisting of students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Turkish Bulent Ecevit Bzunguldak University, succeeded in launching their five mini-satellite last January 13th.


The mini-satellite was launched, which is the first of its kind in Turkey, with a size of 5 x 5 x 5 centimeters.

This is via a “Falcon 9” rocket belonging to the American company “SpaceX”, while the cost of launching it was 25 thousand euros.

A member of the team, a student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Turkish University of Bulent Ecaoyed Bzunguldak, said Osman Turgut.

“When we first saw the name (Grizu-263A) on the screen, we cried with joy and were filled with happiness, we saw the effort put in for years at that very moment.”


The students who made up the team stated that they created the Grizu-263A team in 2016 to conduct studies in space, satellites and aviation, and since then they have been working hard on weekdays.

The students explained that at first they spoke to a Turkish researcher at NASA.

He is Dr. Umit Yildiz over a video call, which resulted in starting work on developing satellite models.

Accordingly, and through the capabilities available to the university, they established a ground space station with an area of ​​about 200 square meters.


All this resulted in the production of the first domestic miniature satellite called (Grizu-263A).