The end of the joint exercises between Turkey and Azerbaijan


The joint military action “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 2021” organized by the Turkish and Azerbaijani armed forces in Azerbaijan has been completed.

In the exercise, the main objective of which was to improve the interaction between the armies of the two countries during combat operations and the decision-making and management skills of the commanders, the troops completed all tasks.


About 40 tanks and armored vehicles, about 20 cannons, 7 combat helicopters, personnel, and 50 vehicles participated in the exercise.

As in the exercise “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk 2021”, in Baku, attacks were carried out against representative enemy targets and the targets were destroyed by shooting.

Many awards and gifts were presented to the successful soldiers by the senior officers.

The joint exercises between Turkey and Azerbaijan also ended, and the exercise, in which 600 soldiers participated, began on June 28.