Since the “setback”.. Israel has arrested one million Palestinians


A Palestinian committee specialized in prisoners’ affairs said on Saturday that the Israeli occupation had arrested about one million Palestinians since the “setback” (1967), including 226 prisoners who were martyred inside its prisons.

The term “setback” is applied to the Israeli aggression against Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and the occupation of the remainder of historic Palestine on June 5, 1967.


The Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs said in a statement that “the number of arrests among Palestinians since June 5, 1967 has reached about one million.”

The commission stated that of the arrests, about 17,000 girls, women and mothers, and more than 50,000 cases of children.

She added that all Palestinians who experienced detention were subjected to at least “some form of physical or psychological torture, moral abuse and cruel treatment.”

It added that more than 54,000 administrative detention orders were issued against detainees, “between a new decision and a renewal of administrative detention.”


Administrative detention is imprisonment by an Israeli military order without an indictment, for a period of up to 6 months, subject to extension.

The commission indicated that, “Since June 5, 1967, about 226 prisoners have been martyred in the occupation prisons.

73 of them as a result of torture, 71 due to medical negligence, 75 as a result of premeditated murder after arrest, and 7 after being shot while in prison.

She noted the death of hundreds shortly after their release, “affected by diseases they inherited from prisons as a result of torture, medical neglect and ill-treatment.”

Israel is currently detaining about 4,650 Palestinians, including 39 women and about 180 minors, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.

While the number of administrative detainees reached about 500, according to institutions concerned with prisoners’ affairs.