Minister Koja: I invite our citizens to do their part in vaccination


Health Minister Fakhruddin Kuja said: “We have to reach an effective vaccination rate to overcome the epidemic. I call on our citizens to be vaccinated.”

Health Minister Fakhruddin Kuja also spoke in Adrianople, where he went to attend regional assessment meetings.

The headings of Minister Koja’s statements are as follows:

As you know, we are assessing the situation in the regions using a continuous restriction app with strict rules across the country.

We were in Antalya that day to assess the state of our districts at the site, and to check the procedures on the spot.

Today we are in Adrianople, we will look at the situation in the Thrace region, and we have talked about the course of the epidemic in Edirne.

In Edirne, we had the opportunity to consult the situation, needs and issues that were requested for support in providing health services.


“We see the result of the nation’s sacrifice in cases and hospitalizations”

Given the number of patients seen in the number of COVID-19 patients we have seen in our country in recent weeks,

Full lockdown measures had to be taken

We believe we will achieve a rapid decrease in the number of cases with a lockdown period of 17 days.

As the measures that were implemented for two weeks could not reach the required rate of decrease in the number of cases.

We have begun to see the result of the sacrifice that we made as a nation in the number of cases and hospitalizations. We know that the situation will reflect on serious illnesses and deaths.


“The shortage in the number of tests is not the reason for the decrease in the number of cases, but rather the result”

The number of people presenting to hospitals in the past two weeks in Turkey has halved.

The decrease in the number of tests is not the reason, but rather the result of the decrease in the number of cases, we have witnessed a new peak period in the past weeks.

In order to increase the rate of decline, a complete lockdown has become necessary, and thanks to this sacrifice of our citizens we will achieve our goal.

And at the end of the process, we want to experience a real vacation, where the number of cases is very low.

Today, we will evaluate Adrianople in this sense in its details. Mobilization is an activity that we attach great importance to in combating the epidemic, and we are one of the rare countries in the world that can implement this system effectively.


Our radiation teams also struggle with heart and soul to locate and isolate contacts and deliver medicines to our citizens.

In Edirne, the number of cases decreased by 50 per cent in the past week. Our bed occupancy rate is 52.1 per cent, and our ICU occupancy rate is 66.7 per cent.

And Edirne is one of the provinces that has succeeded in implementing the vaccination program for the benefit of our citizens, as the percentage of our citizens over the age of 65 vaccinated is 88 percent in Edirne.

So we have to reach an effective vaccination rate to overcome the epidemic, and I call on our citizens to do their part in vaccination.