Golcuk, Turkey.. Scenes of the “sunken city” after the 1999 earthquake


Photographic lenses have spotted a part of the “sinking city” off the coast of Golcuk in the state of Kocaeli in northwestern Turkey, which was hit by a devastating earthquake on August 17, 1999.


The earthquake, which is described as “the catastrophe of the age”, led to the withdrawal of parts of the coastal areas towards the sea, to form a city in itself at its bottom.

The “Sunken City” includes a hotel, a marina, a café and houses, all of which were gathered to the bottom of the sea by the earthquake.

To highlight this, Turkish photographer and documentary film producer Tahsin Ceylan, accompanied by a professional diver, took a dive in the “Sunken City”.

The scenes filmed by the two Turkish divers show parts of Çınarılık Square, which was one of the worst affected areas during the earthquake that occurred 23 years ago.


Damaged hotels, homes and cafes also appear and are now home to aquatic life.