Erdogan draws attention to the suffering of children


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan drew attention to the suffering of children in wars and conflicts around the world.

This came in his speech on Saturday during his participation in an event to celebrate Children’s Day and National Sovereignty in the capital, Ankara.


Erdogan referred to the recent developments at the regional level, expressing his deep sorrow over the suffering of children in some neighboring regions.

Erdogan expressed his deep concern over the killing of tens of thousands of children, the orphanage of hundreds of thousands of them in the countries south of Turkey, and the continuation of the tragedy of losing tens of thousands of children in different regions around the world, most notably Europe.


He also expressed his concern over the continuation of the war in northern Turkey (Russian-Ukrainian), which has completed its second month.

He stressed that children are the most prominent motivation for his country to make efforts to end wars and crises and establish an atmosphere of security and prosperity.

Childhood and Sovereignty Day falls on April 23 of each year, the date on which the foundation stone of the Turkish Republic was laid and the Grand National Assembly was opened in 1920.


It is noteworthy that the founder of the republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, dedicated the National Sovereignty Day to all the children of the world, and therefore the name of the holiday was changed to “Childhood and National Sovereignty.”