Erdogan announces an increase in the salaries of civil servants


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the minimum salary for civil servants in his country would be raised to about 22,000 Turkish liras (approximately $1,125).

Erdogan said during an event in the capital, Ankara, on Thursday, that his government will raise the salaries of civil servants by no less than public sector workers, next July.

He pointed out that the lowest salary for civil servants in Turkey will reach, according to this decision, 22 thousand Turkish liras.


And he stressed that the increase in the salaries of these employees will be automatically reflected in the salary of the retirees, and that he instructed the concerned minister to complete the necessary procedures until July.

And on Tuesday, President Erdogan announced an increase in the wages of government workers in the country by 45 percent, starting from July 2023.

Erdogan said that with this increase, the lowest salary for workers in the public sector will rise to 15,000 Turkish liras (approximately $767).