A full year since the first case of Coronavirus in Turkey


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Exactly one year ago, March 11, 2020, the first cases of Coronavirus appeared in Turkey. It was Istanbul Medical College that determined the case.

The Istanbul Medical College, where thousands of doctors are being trained to treat the most difficult diseases, has played a very important role in fighting this epidemic.


A whole year as the epidemic breakout

The Chief Physician of the Istanbul Medical College, Prof. Ümmühan İşoğlu talked about the early days of the epidemic and the efforts made in combating the virus.

We have faced a grave danger and Hail. Of course, this caused a lot of difficulties.

At first we did not fully understand what the danger was, it took some time to understand what was going to get us through it.

Staff in the College of Medicine have been trained to periodically check entrances and exits, as 10,000 people enter and exit daily with students.

In just 3 months since the outbreak began in March, 100,000 people have been hospitalized

In addition, 10,000 people were treated as inpatients.


The first treatment was at the Istanbul Medical College, the place “Where the first case of Coronavirus was treated is the Istanbul Medical College.”

Prof. Dr. Ümmühan İşoğlu talked about this process as follows:

Now we’re excited because it’s the first case treatment. But at that time, a treatment protocol had not yet been established on how to deal with these cases, and then the protocols were on our agenda.

We promptly gathered teachers of the relevant units and determined the type of approach we would take, and with effective treatment, we ensured that the patient was in good health and discharged.

“We buried our pain in our hearts”

In the process, distinguished lecturers and healthcare professionals at the college died.

The first of these names was Prof. Cemil Taşçıoğlu.

Noting that they could not show their grief due to the presence of the sick, İşoğlu said: “We have buried our pain in our hearts, and we have continued to treat our patients.”
