Minister Şimşek: Credit Default Swaps Decrease


Treasury and Finance Minister Şimşek said: “The credit default swaps that fell to their lowest level after February 2020 are one of the most tangible indicators of confidence in our economic program and the achievements of our program.”

Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek shared this issue on his social media account.

Recalling that Turkey’s credit default swaps fell below 250 basis points for the first time since 2020, Şimşek said:

“The credit default swaps that fell to their lowest level after February 2020 are one of the most tangible indicators of confidence in our economic program and the achievements of our program. The decrease compared to May 2023 is 49 basis points on average in developing countries, while it is 456 basis points in our country, and thanks to our improved risk premium, we have access to external financing.” “As access becomes easier, the cost of external financing also decreases.”