Şimşek: The process of slowing inflation will become more evident


Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek said: “Inflation expectations are converging on our target. The process of declining inflation will become more pronounced in the coming months.”

In a blog post on his account in the Turkish Republic, Şimşek said: (CBRT) evaluated the survey of market participants.

In his letter, Minister Şimşek noted the following:

Their expectations converge with our goal. Inflation expectations fell at the end of the year to 43 percent, after 12 months to 30 percent, and after 24 months to 19.3 percent. Since we announced the medium-term plan, inflation expectations have declined for 12 months and 24 months without interruption.

The fact that expectations are improving in this period of rising annual inflation shows the belief that our anti-inflation policies will be successful.

Although we expect an increase in monthly inflation in July due to temporary effects, we expect a significant decrease in annual inflation. The process of slowing inflation will become more evident in the coming months.