Turkey regarding linking the progress of relations with the EU


The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that it does not accept “at all linking progress in relations between Turkey and the European Union to the Cyprus issue.”

This came in a statement issued by the Ministry regarding the results of the European Union leaders’ summit on April 17 and 18 in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

The Ministry considered the decisions adopted regarding Turkey to be “a new example of the European Union’s lack of strategic vision regarding Turkey and global developments.”

It noted that the results of the summit stressed that establishing a relationship of cooperation and mutual benefit with Türkiye is a strategic interest of the European Union.

It said: “On the other hand, the failure to take concrete decisions regarding the recommendations contained in the joint report on relations between the European Union and Turkey prepared by the Vice-President of the European Commission, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, and the European Commission is a major contradiction.”

It added: “Linking the Cyprus issue to progress in relations between Turkey and the European Union will never be acceptable to us, and the approach that limits the multifaceted relations between Turkey and the European Union to the Cyprus issue must be abandoned.”

It stressed that “such a mentality cannot make a positive and constructive contribution to resolving the Cyprus issue or other regional and global issues.”


It stressed that Turkey is still determined to join the European Union, adding: “However, we refuse to limit our cooperation to certain areas through a selective approach, and we will discuss our dialogue with the European Union within the framework of reciprocity according to the speed, level and scope of the Union’s steps towards Turkey in the coming period.” .

The European Union announced that it has a strategic interest in developing a mutually beneficial cooperation relationship with Turkey, and that it “attaches great importance” to the resumption of Cyprus negotiations in this context.

This came in the part related to relations with Turkey in the final statement of the European Union summit held on Wednesday in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

“The European Union has a strategic interest in developing a stable and secure environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and developing a mutually beneficial cooperation relationship with Turkey,” the statement stated.

It pointed out that “Turkey’s constructive participation will be useful in advancing the various areas of cooperation identified in the joint report submitted by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, with the European Union Commission in November 2023.”

The statement stressed, “Attributing great importance to the resumption and progress of the Cyprus negotiations, which could also lead to improving cooperation between the European Union and Turkey.”