Trudeau: Church burning is not a way to achieve justice


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that targeting Catholic churches with burning and vandalism over the discovery of undocumented graves in church schools is not a way to achieve justice.

Trudeau said in statements about the recent burning of churches that the destruction of places of worship is unacceptable and must be stopped.


“This is not the way to go (to achieve justice), we should work together to right the wrongs of the past,” he added.

In turn, the national leader of the Assembly of First Nations (the Assembly of the Six Indigenous People) Shefi Pelegrad confirmed his understanding of the people’s anger but said that burning churches is not the solution.

During the last week, 6 churches in different parts of the country were either partially damaged or completely burned.

The police described this in incidents as “suspicious” after discovering children’s graves in church boarding schools in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.