Turkish Presidency: September 12 coup is a black stain on our democracy


The head of the communications department in the Turkish presidency, Fahrettin Altun, said that the coup of September 12, 1980, in which democracy and human rights were ignored, was a black stain in the history of Turkish democracy.

Altun explained in a tweet on Twitter that the failed coup attempt took place in mid-July 2016.


It showed once again that the Turkish people will no longer allow any attempt to disregard their will.

Alton attached his tweet with a video clip explaining what happened in the September 12 coup.

On the morning of September 12, 1980, the Turks woke up to a statement broadcast on official TRT radio.

It was signed by the Chief of Staff at the time, General Kanaan Evren, who was tantamount to declaring a coup against the government of Suleyman Demirel.

That morning, the so-called “National Security Council” formed by the putschists was declared martial law in the country.

Dissolving Parliament, suspending the constitution, ending government powers, and closing political parties.