The Turkish woodcarver Fatih Bakr embodied the historical city of Harput, located in the Berber state.
As UNESCO included this city on the list of temporary World Heritage, and has embodied it in a painting made of gold paper.
In his speech, Bakr said that he began to get acquainted with the art of woodcarving from the age of fourteen.
He added, “I have worked to develop my skill in engraving and sculpture day after day through continuous training for long hours.”
He explained that he was desperate to make a work of art telling about the city of Harput, which dates back to 4 thousand years.
It is a city that embraces the ruins of 13 civilizations, discovered in 2016 by the state forest department.
He pointed out that he carved the shape of the city on a wooden plank 2.72 meters long and 2.25 meters wide and inlaid with gold leaf.
In 2018, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included the historic city of Harput in the Provisional List of Human Cultural Heritage.